My own rebirth image
A beautiful home, 2 kids, a successful at home business, great friends, and wife of 24 years. From the outside my life as a whole looked perfect. I was the ultimate queer family. Imagine everyone’s surprise when it all came crumbling down.
It was 2020, and I had hit rock bottom. My soul was lost. Before I knew it the fear, shame, and guilt that I felt was finally too much. On a summer evening in late July my addictions, a loveless marriage, unhealed trauma, and severe depression gripped me one final time. Drowning in tears and suffocating in my internal pain, I knew I had to decide. Do I continue to try make it in survival mode or do I live? The next day I woke up and took the first step into rebuilding me and all that had shattered. A long winding road to recovery, rebirth, and truth. I dove deep into shadow and light. I vowed to do things differently. And I mean everything….I thought differently, I spoke differently, I moved differently, and before I knew it I was believing differently.
I immersed myself in self-discovery and healing. Through various mentors, healers, and teachings I found my soul. My purpose, my gifts, my meaning. I was a healer. Rooted in love and an innate ability to hold space. Through nature, music, and breath I found the natural rhythm within. Providing a beautiful foundation to grow authentically and whole.