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Join us as we journey with nourishing movement and deep breathing, offering a reset of body, mind and spirit. These practices combined, allow for the shedding of stagnant energies, awakening the connection to our deepest truth. In this release we make space within  to invite new opportunities that lay ahead for us, allowing for harmony and balance within, connecting us to our centers. 

  • Date:2/12/2024 07:00 PM
  • Location 440 Wadsworth Boulevard, Lakewood, CO, USA (Map)
  • More Info:Buffalo & Sparrow Yoga Studio


This Gentle yoga practice, also known as Kripalu Yoga, is a nourishing introspective practice that is all about slowing down, with ease and awareness; Kripalu translates to compassion/kindness. This practice integrates the mind, body and the emotions through gentle, meditative movements. Acknowledging each persons uniqueness. The practice teaches us to tune into our own inner wisdom so we can better know our bodies. 

This gentle yoga practice provides an opportunity to observe and connect with the breath and become aware of any sensations or thoughts that may arise. The combination of breath with movement leads to self-transformation and self-discovery...empowering you to realize your full potential, in a non-judgmental space of self acceptance in each moment with presence.

Conscious connected breathwork engages the sympathetic nervous system allowing you to connect softly and safely within your emotions so that you can clear out the old stories and begin to reset your nervous system. This active breathing technique is excellent for physical ailments as well; such as boosting the immune system, improves digestion, lowers blood pressure, as well as many others.  

We will plan to start our time together with a gentle yoga practice, providing movement for the body, led by Amanda. Gently following, Claire will guide us through a soft, yet powerful breath-work practice. 

This event is expected to last 1 hour. We encourage you to bring a journal, there will by time offered at the end of class for self-reflection, allowing for a deepening of your experience and integration process. 

Yoga mats and blankets will be provided.