Radically Aligned

Connected to Everything, Attached to Nothing

Hi, I’m Claire – avid space holder, seeker of truth, and your ride or die advocate to radical self-acceptance.

Find your power in doing things differently! 

My mission is to help you create the ultimate balance between body, mind, and spirit so that you can live a life radically authentic and free as fuck.

~ If not now, then when ~ 

My own rebirth image
A beautiful home, 2 kids, a successful at home business, great friends, and wife of 24 years. From the outside my life as a whole looked perfect. I was the ultimate queer family. Imagine everyone’s surprise when it all came crumbling down.
It was 2020, and I had hit rock bottom. My soul was lost. Before I knew it the fear, shame, and guilt that I felt was finally too much. On a summer evening in late July my addictions, a loveless marriage, unhealed trauma, and severe depression gripped me one final time. Drowning in tears and suffocating in my internal pain, I knew I had to decide. Do I continue to try make it in survival mode or do I live? The next day I woke up and took the first step into rebuilding me and all that had shattered. A long winding road to recovery, rebirth, and truth. I dove deep into shadow and light. I vowed to do things differently. And I mean everything….I thought differently, I spoke differently, I moved differently, and before I knew it I was believing differently.
I immersed myself in self-discovery and healing. Through various mentors, healers, and teachings I found my soul. My purpose, my gifts, my meaning. I was a healer. Rooted in love and an innate ability to hold space. Through nature, music, and breath I found the natural rhythm within. Providing a beautiful foundation to grow authentically and whole. 

1:1 Coaching

The triangle is considered the strongest shape. All sides equal, balanced perfectly, and rooted in its foundation. With radical acceptance comes radical growth. Rediscover who you are. This is your time. You are exactly where you need to be because this is where you are. Find new ways to understand your body, mind, and spirit so that you can fully honor your authentic self. Let go off shame, fear, guilt, and judgement and become curious about who you are now and who you want to become. Find magic in understanding how to move the energy. Challenge your old stories and expand your relationship with self and with others. Embrace doing things differently and ask me about micro-dosing, breathwork, and guided hikes.


So much energy is held and released through our breath. Learning to connect our bodies with our energy puts you in the present moment. Clear out the stories with Conscious Connected Breath also known as rebirth/transformational breath. This active breathing technique engages our sympathetic nervous system allowing you to connect with your fears and emotions so that you can find peace, balance, and healing. Together we will set meaningful intentions that promote healing and clarity. Bringing the ultimate relationship to focus and that relationship is the one with yourself.

Mindful Hikes

Nature has so much to say if you just listen. Explore the world around you. Get connected and get grounded. Together we will navigate the unknown and connect to nature and ourselves. The healing energy of life is the perfect way to recharge, reclaim, and find clarity in the present.

1:1 Coaching ~ 3 months

  • Let’s spend some time together, in this 3-month experience we will focus on opening the doors to who you are at your core and how to bring that forward in a balanced authentic way. Creating a space filled with joy, balance and freedom in your life right now. Make your first move and embrace radical acceptance of who you are now so that you can expand and consciously choose and create the connected and fulfilled life you want and deserve.
  • What’s included:
  • •Getting things started with a pre-coaching questionnaire: This powerful tool helps you reflect and share what you most want to achieve from your coaching experience. Afterwards we will follow-up with a complimentary 30-minute Zoom call as an opportunity for us to connect, feel into our connection together and if I am the right coach to support and inspire you to journey into the next stage of your life. A life filled with balance of body mind and spirit.
  • •6 : 2 hour : 1 on 1 coaching sessions via Zoom or in person: From setting inspiring goals, implementing structured and progressive action plans, as well as integrating breathwork and other forms of self-discovery and healing. Celebrating your journey along the way, you can expect each of these sessions to be a calm, positive and joy-filled space wholly dedicated to you. I meet you exactly where you are to make sure you are seen, heard and valued for who you are right now and who you are becoming.
  • •Unlimited email support between sessions
  • •Welcome gift
  • Investment: $1212 USD upfront OR 2 x $606 USD installments (2nd payment due by 3rd session)

1:1 Coaching ~ 6 months

  • Let's get deep in this 6-month experience. Truly immerse yourself in your own radical rebirth, as we dive into the unknown. Embark on a beautiful scavenger hunt to discover the parts of your soul still untouched and finally brought to light. Moving past the essential and elevated to the next level of your life. It is best suited for your biggest and potentially unnamed dreams, long-held challenging mindset shifts, as well as a more extended richer and deeper level of support.
  • What’s included:
  • •Getting things started with a pre-coaching questionnaire: This powerful tool helps you reflect and share what you most want to achieve from your coaching experience. Afterwards we will follow-up with a complimentrary 30-minute Zoom call as an opportunity for us to connect, feel into our connection together and if I am the right coach to support and inspire you to journey into the next stage of your life filled with balance of body mind and spirit.
  • •12 : 2 hour : 1 on 1 coaching sessions via Zoom or in person: Sessions are held every other week. From setting your inspiring goals, implementing structured and progressive action plans and celebrating your journey along the way, you can expect each of these sessions to be a calm, positive and joy-filled space wholly dedicated to you. I meet you exactly where you are to make sure you are seen, heard and valued for who you are right now and who you are becoming.
  • •Unlimited email support between sessions
  • •Deluxe welcome gift
  • Investment: $2121 USD upfront OR 3 x $707 USD instalments (final installment due by 9th session)

Breathwork ~ Mindful Hikes

  • Conscious Connected Breath also known as rebirth/transformational breath is an active breathing technique to help connect with self and move your stagnent energies to find peace, balance, and healing.
  • 1 session ~ 2 hours : Together we will set meaningful intentions that promote healing and clarity.
  • $125
  • Take a walk with me as I gently push you to new limits. Connect with your inner spirit and explore the unknown. Along the way enjoy moments of divine connection to the energies of Mother Earth.
  • 1 session ~ 4 hours
  • $225
  •  2/12/2024 07:00 PM
  •   440 Wadsworth Boulevard, Lakewood, CO, USA

Join us as we journey with nourishing movement and deep breathing, offering a reset of body, mind and spirit. These practices combined, allow for the shedding of stagnant energies, awakening the connection to our deepest truth. In this release we make space within  to invite new opportunities that lay ahead for us, allowing for harmony and balance within, connecting us to our centers. 

  • $30
  •  11/11/2023 04:00 PM
  • Location: To Be Announced

This will be an intimate gathering held at Amanda and Claires cozy home in Lakewood, CO. Amanda will guide us through a beautiful and warm restorative yoga practice followed by a powerful breath work session lead by Claire. Join us in connection after our practice for tea and light snacks provided by our hosts. The 11:11 portal has been known to be a powerful opportunity for manifestation and growth, what better way to celebrate and allowing change by connecting with the self in a safe space for reflection and healing.

  •  10/14/2023 06:00 PM
  •   2101 Arapahoe Street, Denver, CO, USA

Join us for a journey through breathwork and body movement. Discover healing and connection through conscious connected breathwork and a full body release with dance. Find flow in breath and body movement! Dance Session will be led by the very talented coach and healer Alex Vaughn from How to Be Queer. Connect with like minded people! Health conscious, high vibe snacks will be available!